If You Want a Dog That...
If you want a dog that:
  1. requires regular and extensive grooming,
  2. demands attention and exercise,
  3. challenges your will,
  4. thrives on training and human contact,
  5. thinks independently,
  6. voices its opinion,
  7. greets friends and family with unbridled enthusiasm...

....then the Portuguese Water Dog may be right for you.

If you want at dog that:
  1. requires minimal grooming,
  2. needs little or no attention or exercise,
  3. naps endlessly in front of the fireplace,
  4. requires little mental stimulation,
  5. presents little or no challenge,
  6. blends into the woodwork,
  7. is content to be left alone...

 ....then the Portuguese Water Dog is not right for you.



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Call Us: (519) 827 0950
Email Us: pam@willowcreekwaterdogs.com